The numerous siskins do have to share the sunflower heart feeder from time to time with the chaffinches and goldfinches and on our shopping list today was another feeder and more sacks of sunflowers. The birds do not need any of our food at this time of the year and enjoy more natural foods such as the peanuts and sunflowers, blaeberries on the bushes carpeting the forest floor and insects that are now freely available.
Newcomers to the area have been a pair of grey wagtails. They appear on the fence and bob up and down for a while and then chase each other down to lochside where they must have built a nest. They like to nest near rushing water and feed on the insects flying above the water surface.
The coal tits have been seen collecting the cats fur for their nests and they must have the best lined nests in the forest. After giving the cats a good brushing we throw the fur on the brush near to the feeders to be collected later for a worthy cause.Newcomers to the area have been a pair of grey wagtails. They appear on the fence and bob up and down for a while and then chase each other down to lochside where they must have built a nest. They like to nest near rushing water and feed on the insects flying above the water surface.
We have spotted the osprey three times flying high above Loch Ness and will wait to see any youngsters flying with the parents in the next few months. April and May are very busy months for all birds whatever their size.