Saturday, February 27, 2010

Dores beach covered in snow.

A very chilly week which culminated in a spectacular blizzard which lasted all day last Thursday. Snow fell in bucket loads and the wind blew it everywhere but we felt really cosy to be inside in the warm talking to guests with a few welcome glasses to keep the spirits up. We wondered what we would wake up to on Friday morning as we needed to go into Inverness. The local radio station reported warnings of school closures, the A9 was shut down to Perth and no trains or planes were operating due to the extreme weather conditions and we suddenly felt isolated. As we cautiously looked out of the bedroom window we were very pleased to see that the area around the house was not too badly covered so we ventured into town, not quite knowing if we would get there or back. The top road had been gritted and was fine if driven with care. After our business in Inverness we came back and stopped at the village of Dores at the eastern end of Loch Ness. The beach was covered in snow and it looked very strange and so different from the normal vision of the famous crescent beach. The Dores Inn looked very inviting but we decided to leave that for another day and head back to the safety of home.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


The thick frost and ice on the ground with temperatures well below zero did not put us off driving into Inverness for our shopping. We decided to have an awayday so we drove out of the city and onto the A96, passing through the quaint seaside town of Nairn. We aimed for the BrodieCountryfare, about 20 miles out of Inverness which we had not visited for some time. We were surprised to find both the car parks almost full and the place was heaving. The complex was very busy as it is a favourite haunt for tourists purchasing amazing gifts to take back home. There is also a food hall and deli with shelves full of Walkers scrumptious products and a restaurant which was just too busy and buzzing for us. We came out and drove home passing by this amazing railway viaduct with the backdrop of snow covered fields and clear blue skies - an omen of another chilly night with an amazing show of star constellations. We somehow managed to fall into the Cawdor Tavern on the way back home where we enjoyed a fish and chip lunch by the roaring fire. The road back via Daviot was stunningly beautiful but that is another watch this space.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Silver and Gold.

The snow returned this week and is still lying thickly on the higher ground although it has melted on lower ground . The mountains opposite and the high fields are covered again. It has also been very frosty at night and the freezing temperature continues throughout the day. The clear night sky allows for a good showing of the stars and the silver crescent moon reflected in the water of Loch Ness. The new fence has now been completed at the front of Aspenwood with a specially designed platform along the top for the birds and red squirrels to play on - also useful to rest a glass of wine on in the evening looking out at the view. The birds were very pleased to find their feeders back in position. Last Saturday we saw a pair of goldfinches on the nut feeders on the old fence so we will treat them to a new niger feeder - their favourite food - and will hang it on the new fence this weekend.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

New 360 Tour.

The new 360 Tour is now on the website giving potential guests a very good idea of the design of the rooms. We are very impressed by the prompt reply from Alba Tours who came to Aspenwood last Friday to take the photos and also by our webmaster who put it onto the site.
So sit back and take a virtual stroll around the cottage interior by clicking on 360 Tours underneath this Cottage Diary.
A little note for our guests arriving this Saturday.....we are surrounded by snow again so bring your wellies.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Sunset over Loch Ness.

Witnessed a beautiful sunset reflected in the water of Loch Ness the other evening and we went out to watch the ever changing colours in the sky and in the water. Had thick coats on as it was below freezing but the 'wee dram' clasped tightly in our hands helped keep us warm inside.