Monday, December 29, 2014

Jays in Farigaig Forest

Jays are often sighted in Farigaig Forest on South Loch Ness Side and will come to feed at bird tables in the cold winter weather. They usually go about in pairs and are always beautiful to see with their stunning blue flash of colour.
Watch the local Fairigaig Jays feeding in a garden.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Snow arrives in the Highlands.

Snow fell over the weekend making Loch Ness very picturesque.The birds need extra feeding. 

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

First snow of Winter

The first snow this Winter fell over the weekend and covered the higher ground. All the ski resorts in the Highlands have a good covering which is good for the sporty people who enjoy going out in cold temperatures. More snow is forecast and strong winds for Scotland. Photos to follow.