Sunday, November 02, 2008

Chill out at Chanonry Point.

Went with great expectations and a packed lunch to Chanonry Point on The Black Isle in the hope of seeing the Moray Firth dolphins. Checked the time of the high tide and got in position on the beach about one hour beforehand and waited excitedly.The crowd gathered and we all froze must have only been about 2 or 3 degrees with a biting cold wind blowing in along the Moray Firth from the North Sea. A few sightings of the odd fin and nose but not enough for any photos. We did get talking to a fellow watcher who had come all the way from Edinburgh in the hope of seeing them, as her son sponsers one called Sundance. Fortunately for us we can easily come to Chanonry Point any time we fancy a break with the chance of seeing the dolphins.
On the drive back home we spotted a red kite gliding above us. These have recently been reintroduced onto the Isle and have been breeding successfully. Stopped at Dores for a view down the Great Glen....beautiful with the snow still on tops. Back at home we found five female pheasants on the rockery, a cheeky red squirrel on the bird table and later in the dusk of the evening we were visited by a young stag and hind...what a lovely place to live whatever the weather.

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