Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Juvenile siskins

The new young batch of siskins are very noisy at the moment. This juvenile female and colourful green and yellow male siskin sat on the edge of the bird bath for ages not quite sure what to do next - the first time they had seen a bird bath I guess. They always look very large and fluffed up. A swarm of them will suddenly fly down and sit on the gravel around the house and peck at the ground, maybe for insects or grass or just being curious. The cats surprisingly ignore them now and have even walked up to them on the ground, sniffed them and then walked over them as if they know they are vulnerable. Sometimes the offspring have a few spats but not for long. They found something interesting here on the azalea bush and had a few words with each other and flapped about then settled down to eat happily together.....that's youngsters for you eh!

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